Avast asks to upgrade after every start

Since the update to 17.9.2322 Avast aks me after every start to upgrade to the premium version…
Very anoying.
Any hints?


For me and other people it causes fullscreen applications to minimize to desktop. I think it might be a glitch in their ad service.

I unistalled Avast, run the cleaner, reinstalled it - same issue.
Afet every Windows 10 start the Avast screen aks me to upgrade to premium.
No one else?

Sorry for the trouble, this will be fixed today.

…I tried to uninstall AVASt via Windows 10 Apps & Features. But Windows tells me, that there’s an aktive installation process!
I can’t uninstall AVAST.
Maybe this is the reason: the install process hasn’t finish properly! So AVAST asks me every Windows start to finish the installation (free or premium installation).

And the AVAST cleanup.exe doesn’t help.
Afer I reinstall AVAST I have the same issue.