Avast! Auto Sandbox Recommendation.

I think, it would be cool for users to have the option when the Auto sandbox shows up on a unknown file to Submit the files to avast For analysis. I would really like to have a check box to submit these unknown files to avast and that would probably help the detection of threats to.

I’m not sure if the auto sandbox has a system already like this. But i would highly recommend the statement above! Anyway good job avast! Keep improving love the new forums!

If the user set the autosandbox to “ask”, indeed, it won’t be that bad.
Although you can’t consider it a false positive. Just a file that deserves to run sandboxed.

Ohh… I was not implying i was frustrated about the Auto-sandbox being trigger happy. I actually, like the fact that the Auto-sandbox is trigger happy. Especially, when i have a mother that likes to click everything. I was implying, that we could have a check box to submit unknown files that the Auto-Sandbox shows to unknown files. I think it would be a great Implementation to the Auto-Sandbox. Maybe this could improve on Auto-sandbox false positives to. If not i would still like to see it implemented into avast. It would help the detection to :slight_smile:

jimmy556, I was not against your wish. On contrary, I think it could have a button for false positive report.
Seems it’s a problem of language :cry: