avast! automatically updates to a higher version?

i am using version 4.7.942 - the earliest vista-compatible version. as ALWIL makes available higher versions, will avast! automatically update to the higher version ?

if not, then what are my options to acquire the higher version?

Right click on avast! ball next to the system clock and select Updating and then Program Update.
This will force avast! to check for program update and install it if available.
Otherwise avast! asks you to update to a new version by showing you a green popup (similar to the blue one which appears after every virus update). There are also settings where you can adjust everything relate to updating, switch it to fully automatic even for program updates, update check intervals and all sorts of visual tweaks for update popups.

You can also always verify if you’re using latest version of avast by visiting this page:

EDIT: As i can see there was an update released today ;D

i INSTALLED IT :smiley: