Avast autoupdate consuming my bandwidth

Well, Avast autoupdate may be good, but it seriously consumes my bandwidth… Too much really, like i can see avast is CONSTANTLY looking for updates… or something…

Its becomming an issue as it is tripping my connection regularly. Sure, this is some modem/ISP weakness also, but then why would Avast need to be constantly hunting for updates? Why cant it just check periodically?

I have comodo firewall, and it shows Avastsvc.exe running at 95-98% of my traffic. This is fully too much for an autoupdate no?

I like avast, but this overuse of my connection is just creating annoyance… >:(

The auto updates consuming bandwidth, that’s a new on on me and the avastSvc.exe has nothing to do with auto updates (which are measured in KBs rather than MBs).

What you don’t understand is how avast works, when you are browsing the internet it uses a localhost proxy so that it can scan the http traffic. So your browsers traffic goes through the Web Shield proxy (which is controlled by avastSvc.exe). So this traffic isn’t initiated by avast, but your browser and redirected through the proxy.