Hi i am new here,i have windows xp with zone alarm pro and avast pro …i have only just installed avast pro and i am having problems with utorrent…I never had this problem before i installed avast…utorrent was working fine … now it freezers all the time i have tried disabling the p2p shield with no luck .Even tried the custom bit in the p2p shield by un ticking u torrent but still no good…
Can’t understand it as my dc++ works great …there is no problem with zone alarm as i have had this for ages, also when i downloaded avast AV pro it asked me to disable a shield for zone alarm which conflicts with Avast so i did …Any help would be appreciated as this is doing my head in …if anyone can answer my problem please explain it for a near novice lol.
Thanks. p.s just downloaded bitcomet and it works fine with that…would still like to see if theres a way round utorrent…
utorrent is not selected by default and besides this you’ve disable IM provider.
It’s difficult to say that avast is involved… for sure Standard Shield (the resident provider) is scanning the files but it shouldn’t be a problem.
I have uTorrent on Vista and avast Pro… although it’s unselected into IM provider.
I use Avast Home Edition and utorrent. By default, the p2p provider in Avast does not check utorrent trafic. I can’t say 100% for sure that Avast is not the cause, but if you upgraded utorrent, or windows update, or zone alarm, you should check for the windows firewall and utorrent. Check for the utorrent.exe file. Rightclick → properties and check if the file is unblock. Unblock it. Uncheck utorrent in avast p2p provider. Open windows firewall and be certain it is not blocking utorrent (windows update could change this settings, even if you were not using windows firewall before). If windows firewall is active and utorrent is allowed, try quiting utorrent, deleting it in the exceptions list in windows firewall, then ok, and start utorrent again. In utorrent, check the checkbox for UT to build the windows firewall exception itself (in its properties). If all this is not helping, you can check the utorrent forums, specially the stickies about firewalls, including zone alarm. If I am right, there are some incompatibilities between UT and ZA. I have not seen any problems between Avast and UT (except for a false positive that was taken care). The utorrent stickies should help you.