I am getting no success when trying to switch on real time protection for Avast. I cannot get the background service to run. I am running Google Chrome and since yesterday i have been receiving the following from Chrome: “This computer will soon stop receiving Google Chrome updates because windows XP and windows Vista will no longer be supported.”
I wonder if Avast real time protection will work if i uninstall Google Chrome and use another browser. ??
I had the same problem after updating to Internet Security version 12.2.2276 on my Windows Surface 2 (Windows 10). Using the Control Panel I selected Uninstall, and then Repair. It said repair was successful, but after restart, I had the same problem.
The solution was to uninstall Avast, restart, then install Avast again. It seems to work fine now, so I don’t know what happened badly in the update process.
I am also experiencing AVAST BACKGROUND SERVICE NOT RUNNING on 3 PC’s. Performed Program Update on a Win10 Home and Win7 Pro PC running Avast Free…and a new Win10 Upgrade where I installed Avast Free initially. ETA on bug fix???
Same problem on Windows 10. I took the update, rebooted like it asked, wouldn’t protect so i uninstalled which asked to reboot again, then reinstalled. Found out it still wouldn’t protect, so I’m gonna have to uninstall and reboot again. What the hell Avast!
Also have to wait until this is solved. With the latest program update a lot of misery started.
Error 0x80046401, then tried a repair and then I got AAVM-startsystem has detected a RPC error.
Definitely something wrong on the installer. Again I had SafePrice extension offerendd as an unwanted bonus in Chrome.
Avast can you solve this else a lot of folks will get head-aches or change for another product to install.
Win7 Pro x64, SP2, running Avast Free
Same problem, can’t get background service working since update. I see from the lack of interest in this problem on the part of Avast moderators, it’s time to find another AV program. All AV programs go sour eventually, when they stop caring about the free users. What they fail to realize is that many of us also have paid versions installed in our offices, and those will be scrapped as well.
From today i have the same problem here,service not ruunning and error 0x80046401. Uninstall, reboot and install not resolve the problem. I have avast free version in W7.
If you download the tool from the link 3 messages above it automatically takes a snapshot of what is wrong in the logs, gives you the ability to explain anything you did or tried to correct, then you hit submit and it automatically submits the information and if needed, they can reply to you in the email you specify.
Other than that, until they figure out what went wrong and push out an update to correct it… there isn’t much anyone can do but use that tool to help them collect information to find what is wrong.
This morning, I upgraded my Avast Pro to the latest version (Nitro?) and immediately got the message ‘Avast background service is not running’. Clicking on ‘Start now’ or ‘Resolve all’ had no effect (though the latter resulted in a pop-up message ‘A program is attempting to shut down Avast system service, disabling the real-time shields.’ - not very helpful!!). Anybody got any ideas for dealing with this?