
I downloaded the Avast! BART CD Iso and I have just transferred it on a CD-R.

When I rebooting my Windows Xp system, Bart Cd try to install…But first it says that the BETA licence expire on June, 30 and after it says that my licence has expired!!!

How can I solve this problem?

Have you check the date on your computer? On my System it works fine. I use Winxp too.

Yes, I have! Today it’s May, 7…

I’ll try to use the BART later… ???

A stupid question: what is the BART CD ?

[b]joanlui:[/b] Yes, I have! Today it's May, 7....
Have you checked the year ;) ? Last week I have seen a complete network which had the correct date but the year was set to 2024 :D !
[b]clweb:[/b] A stupid question: what is the BART CD ?
It's our brand new product, quite unique all over the world! BART = Bootable Antivirus & Recovery Tools CD. You can find more details at http://www.avast.com/bart.htm

I checked…It’s ok!

I tried another time and there was the same problem…

I use the Ontrack software to read a 80 gb hd…I remarked that BART CD prompt before it…But I don’t see a link with the expired time message!

It appears when on the screen is written “Avast! use portion of Microsoft Windows software” or something like that…

Maybe there is something wrong in my Windows Xp sp1 ? :cry:

Is your Bios/Motherboard so old, that it doesn´t support big Harddrives? I think, that the BART cd will not support your harddrive, because of the OntrackDiskmanager, you should try to get a new Biosupdate, maybe than your Motherboard supports yourHarddisk. So your WindowsXP will work better, more compatible, faster and safer without ontrack

mmmmhhh! Using AIDA32 I see:

Proprietà BIOS
Tipo BIOS Award Modular
Tipo BIOS Award Award Modular BIOS v4.60PGMA
Messaggio BIOS Award AX63 R1.31 Dec.24.2002 AOpen Inc.
Data BIOS di sistema 09/27/02
Data BIOS video 02/08/05

Produttore BIOS
Nome società Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
Informazioni sul prodotto http://www.phoenix.com/en/products/default.htm

I think you can understand Italian language…

However, I updated my Bios up most recent version for my motherboard, but great hd are still unsupported :wink:

I hope for final version of Bart Cd is for all users and not for recent computer’ users only… ;D


It seems that you have a “new” Motherboard, and it should support hugh Harddisks. Maybe VLK will visit youon his next italian vacation and show you how to setup xp without a Diskdriver!;))

What do you have to do, if you want to start your PCwith a bootdisk and access your Harddrive?

BTW: I do not speak or understand Italian, only German English and ( a bit) dutch!:slight_smile:

Always using AIDA32 I see:

Proprietà della scheda madre
ID scheda madre 09/27/2002-VT693-00000006C-00
Nome scheda madre AOpen AX63

Proprietà Front Side Bus
Tipo bus Intel GTL+
Bus 64 bit
Clock reale 100 MHz
Clock effettivo 100 MHz
Larghezza di banda 800 MB/s

Proprietà bus memoria
Tipo bus SDR SDRAM
Bus 64 bit
Clock reale 100 MHz
Clock effettivo 100 MHz
Larghezza di banda 800 MB/s

Proprietà bus chipset
Tipo bus PCI
Bus 32 bit
Clock reale 33 MHz
Clock effettivo 33 MHz
Larghezza di banda 133 MB/s

Informazioni fisiche sulla scheda madre
Slot/socket processore 1
Slot di espansione 2 ISA, 5 PCI, 1 AGP
Form Factor ATX
Dimensione scheda madre 200 mm x 300 mm
Chipset scheda madre ApolloPro+

Produttore scheda madre
Nome società AOpen Inc.
Informazioni sul prodotto http://english.aopen.com.tw/products/mb
Download BIOS http://club.aopen.com.tw/downloads

I think my motherboard is 5 years old…

P.S. I live in Pescara, Adriatic sea… :stuck_out_tongue: I speak English, French and some German word…I don’t speak Czech at all!!! :-X

Aopen sais your Motherboard supports Harddisks up to 137 GB, so it should work. But you did not answer, what you have to do to start from a Bootdisk, and be able to access your Harddisk. If i remeber correctly you have to do somthing at startup with the Ontrack Diskmaster(bootloader press a specail Button or so, maybe someone else here know who to?). If you do so, you maybe able to use the BART CD, if the Ontrack Bootloader(?) is not loaded first, your Harddisk should not be accessable at all.

Auf Wiedersehen! :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: I answer…

I downloaded Ontrack from Samsung site and I installed it…It starts automatically on boot. I insert anything, it’s on first sector of my hard disk I think…

If I want to start Linux on my second HD, I use LILO on floppy…But after Ontrack has loaded, because Linux too doesn’t recognize the grater hard disk without Ontrack.

To eliminate O.S. boots, I insert a DOS bootable floppy and I switch on the pc… but then my 80 gb hard disk is not recognized…It’s only 34 gb size (I think)…
And how can I switch to Avast Bart from here?

Maybe something wrong in my Bios configuration?

It seems that your Harddisk is wrong “jumpered”.

And the price…for bump of the year…goes to drums Jugal!! :slight_smile:

Why did you bump this old thread, are you having problems with Avast! BART CD?

[quote author=Jugal link=topic=295.msg442371#msg442371 date=1260962727]

[quote author=joanlui link=topic=295.msg1293#msg1293 date=1052254944]

please short out the problem i.e. - “last encountered error: cannot connect to download avast com (”

How can I solve this problem?
