Avast Blocked Download - Cannot Re-Download

Just upgraded Avast, and Avast blocked my download in progress of TVMobili DLNA server from http://www.tvmobili.com/. It did not claim it is a virus, it just says that not many users had seen that file, when I clicked to complete the download it stopped the download and would not let me restart the download until I shut Avast off completely. I am not comfortable with shutting off all protection every time I come across a file Avast hasn’t seen before. How do I stop Avast from doing this?

Now that I have it downloaded and restarted Avast, Avast will not allow it to install. I select “open normally” on the Avast warning screen that pops up and press OK and Avast blocks the install. Avast clearly states that it is NOT identified as malware, so it’s not a false positive. It’s just an issue of Avast not respecting my decision to allow it to run on my own computer.

Is it being run into the autosandbox?
Can you check if any process is being sandboxed? (I mean, the installation process).