Avast blocked my phone with Anti-Theft OFF

People, is an Emergency!

I lost the contorl of my mobile phone because Avast! Mobile Security is locking it!

The Anti-Theft is OFF, but even in this way, the mobile phone is On, but locked.

The Avast! shows the message:
“Avast! Mobile Security
Avast is protecting you…”

Someone know what I can do to resolve it?

I bought the phone 6 days ago :frowning: Is a Motorola Razri Android 4.0

Thanks a lot for help!

Pessoal, é mesmo URGENTE!

Não estou conseguindo usar meu celular novo, pois o Avast! Mobile Security está bloqueando o aparelho, mesmo com o Anti-Furto desativado no aparelho, um Motorola Razri Android 4.0

Só para teste, já tentei enviar o SMS: xxxxxx UNLOCK
onde ‘xxxxxx’ é a minha senha do My Avast.
Mas, nada aconteceu.

O celular está com os aplciativos em funcionamento, mas o Avast! não deixa fazer nada, apenas mostrando a mensagem:
“Avast! Mobile Security
O Avast está protegendo você…”

Agradeço muito a atenção, pois não consigo mais utilizar meu teleofne devido a isso.



blocked in what way? If you can see the message then your device is not blocked.


Hello, Filip!

Well, my phone is Online and is receiving phone calls. However, I can’t use the phone options, including Avast!

The unique message displayed in the screen is:
Avast! Mobile Security
Avast is protecting you…

Only this!

I verify a thing in “MY Avast” area in Avast.com site:

  • The Avast Anti-Virus was installed for demand the app “Avast Mobile Security”. I never installed this app in another time.
  • After the installation, the “My Avast” is showing the message: "SMS gateway has been changed to optimize SMS routing. ".
  • After that, my mobile phone blocked.

I don’t know what’s happenned, I only know I can’t use my phone.

Thanks a lot for your help.


do you happen to be able to take and post a screenshot (photo) of what exactly is happening? I think that would be the best.


Hello, Filip!

Look the problem in the photo attached.

Is in portuguese but, it’s easy to understand :slight_smile:

Thanks forthe help.


this seems not to be our fault (there is no indication of that). Did you try rebooting your device? It might help I imagine.



I try restar my phone too many times, but it’s impossible, something is blocking it.

Thanks for help.


did you try taking the battery out?


No, I cannot remove the battery because the phone needs a specific tool to be dismounted.

Motorola Support recomends I update the software of the phone and restart everything. Well, I think I must do this.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, I don’t think I can help any further, sorry :frowning: Get back once you try it.
