AVAST! Blocking CNET Forum Signon (and Yahoo Mail

I have to turn off AVAST! (free) to signon YAHOO mail and even this forum.

Any idea how to get it to work properly?

I think it could be the webshield provider causing problems.

Enable avast and disable only the webshield provider.

If that works,

what firewall are you using and has it been configured to allow webshield access?

I suggest that you try the pre-release version of avast, see this thread to see how - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=12798.0

Which is your:
a) operational system
b) firewall
c) browser

Welcome to avast… In order to help you, we need more info 8)

Operating System - XP - Fully upgraded (w/ SP2)
Browser - Explorer & Mozilla…Problem exists with both
Firewall - Zone Alarm - Free

Don’t know how to make Zona Alarm play nice with avast! How do you configure it properly?

Should I permanently disable webshield? What is my exposure if I do?

What is a pre-release? Then next beta version? Is it normal to use betas?

I like avast…it’s easy to use, update. Once this signon problem is resolved, I’ll probably purchase it.


Into the firewall settings, the following programs should be allowed to connect:

ashServ.exe (avast! antivirus service).
ashWebSv.exe (avast! Web Scanner). Need server rights.
ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service). Need server rights.
ashUpdSv.exe (avast! Update Service).
avast.setup (avast! Update executable).

No, you can disable it temporarily, until this get fixed. A lot of nowadays malwares take advantage of various exploits and bugs of the browsers, especially Internet Explorer. Letting avast scanning the HTTP streams through WebShield is the only way to prevent the infection. Just setting the Standard Shield to High sensitivity (resident filesystem scanner) won’t solve… It will be too late.

Betas here are quite safe. More than betas, the pre-release are ‘final’ versions, almost done and ready.
Maybe the Alwil team could give us a better explanation for this.

Some other users have similar problems with logon: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=12863.0;topicseen
But you won’t regret of the support :slight_smile:
Hopping you solve it soon.