Yesterday the Avast Online Security extension in Chrome started blocking all Adsense ads and all Disqus comments. Disqus is a major comment system for blogs that is used on tons of top websites. I disabled Avast Online Security and these things showed up again on pages correctly.
In Firefox and IE the avast extension doesn’t seem to be causing these problems, and the extension is enabled.
Just click on the “a” and unblock that company… I think.
Personally, I use DoNotTrackMe instead, so I keep the tracker blocking in avast “off” but I still got the other features of avast Online Security.
This is happening for me as well. My adsense, disqus and social sharing buttons are blocked on all browsers all of the sudden.
rhyme-time - if you think you know the issue could you please be more specific in your instructions? I have no idea what you are talking about here. “Click the a and unblock that company”? ???
Click on the Avast Online Security (AOS) icon, now you can either change the settings for that particular site. Or look at the bottom of the side screen for the settings and you can try unchecking the Block Social Networks.