Avast blocking gzip url's


My client’s site is currently being blocked by primarily Avast for what looks to be confined to gzip files.

Whenever somebody accesses the home page they get a pop-up - http://csewebsolutions.com/temp/popupWG.JPG

I’m hoping somebody can comment or help diagnose the problem because everything points to a F/P.




Zulu analyser

urlQuery - suspicious

Thank you.

From that I gather it is a suspicious IP address? Any other details you could provide, I would greatly appreciate.

Thanks for the info, would Avast get triggered by a suspect IP? It looks like many of Blue Host IP’s are suspect on the urlQuery report?

Everything I see comes up short as far as being an actual virus/malware.

Please let me know if I’m missing something, but if not, we are losing customers by the minute. And, if there is no issue, I would like to look at getting our site delisted.