Avast blocking internet completely

Ok so I have bought a license for avast internet security, installed it and find I have no internet at all. If I disable all shields I then have internet. I uninstalled it, downloaded the free version and installed, same thing happens.
Windows 7 ultimate x64, any help?

Other security related software installed…??

Nope, it’s a new gateway machine, I am a techie and of course uninstall all norton, etc before starting to load up my apps.
Same thing happened on the last gateway I bought a couple weeks ago.
What is odd is that I ran the internet security version in trila mode for about 2 weeks and it worked fine. I then input my license file, avast updated, then reboot pc, no internet.

  1. Run the appropriate tool: http://us.norton.com/support/kb/web_view.jsp?wv_type=public_web&docurl=20080710133834EN
  2. Follow instructions here: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
  3. Reinstall avast! IS: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/setup_ais.exe

I’ll try it and let you know, my guess is no :slight_smile:

Ok… :wink:

Ok so I have followed your suggestion above and now it works. ugg…
However, running the norton removal tool, nothin ghappened. No window, no removal confirmation, nothing. I am guessing that is because I already removed it using Revo uninstaller, which takes out the registry entries as well.
Anyway, if the problem creeps back in I’ll come crawling back, thanks for the help :wink:

You’re welcome…!