Hello, I am using Avast and I need some help.
It keeps blocking when I am trying to install a Python package.
I added an exclusion but it is still the same.
Should I uninstall Avast?
It’s too overpowered though.
Hello, I am using Avast and I need some help.
It keeps blocking when I am trying to install a Python package.
I added an exclusion but it is still the same.
Should I uninstall Avast?
It’s too overpowered though.
I am using the Avast program version 21.9.2494 (build 21.9.6698.704), and the virus definitions version 211128-4.
I would like it if PIP package manager was removed from the virus database.
Also I am worried about disabling some shields…
I first got to know Avast from antivirus-testing videos.
Then I searched and got this result.
Avast is better than Windows Defender…
You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php