I recently moved from MSE (microsoft Security Essentials) to avast, and wasn’t having any issues, but since the update to 2014 certain websites have been blocked including this one. I have had to turn off AVAST and go back to MSE while I try to sort out the issue.
The websites I’ve noticed issues with are
Which would suggest there is something about forums it doesn’t like!
The API’s I seem to be having issue with are Sickbeard and SABNzb, I can’t access the http://localhost:8080 locations. Also the Movie Database scraper from XBMC can’t access the MOVIEDB remote server to pull meta data.
All these things worked before the 2014 update and work with avast turned off and MSE turned on they all work fine.
Probably something simple.
Any ideas?
I’m on Windows 7, using the free version of avast and use chrome for a browser.