Hi, I’m having problems accessing an online record store and checking out at the store since Sept of 2021.
First, Avast browser wants to block the URL reporting HTML:Script-inf [Susp]
Second, after using an exception to access the site, attempts to check out get blocked reporting some type of Card Stealer.
Third, attempting to use an alternative browser, Microsoft Edge, also failed.
Avast Premium Security Boot time scan quarantined the HTML:Script-inf[Susp] files (all 20 or so) from Avast browser user data along with
Microsoft Edge browser JS:CardStealer-FQ[Trj] and I have deleted them all.
I went to metedefender.opswat.com to scan the URL https://drstrange.com and it was reported clean.
I sent the HTML:Script-inf[Susp] file to Avast False Positive check report.
I’m attaching a screenshot of the HTML:Script-inf[Susp] id # and info.
What else should I do that Polonus has not already suggested on Viruses and Worms What to do if a file is infected or otherwise?
Warning: Malware Detected
Sucuri site scan. https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/drstrange.com
Pondus is right, alas Sucuri is, also see all the vulnerabiulities mentioned for the hoster
of https://www.shodan.io/host/ (see under general information).
See: https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/checkoutmodules.biz/catalog/view/javascript/common.js