Avast BSOD Win 7

Anybody else experiencing BSOD this morning on windows 7 devices?

Ive just disabled all shields via the admin dashboard which seems to have fixed the issue for now, but we have had it reported to us from several different sites with different hardware.

Same here.

Something with last micro-update build 17.2.3419.64

Yes, 12 machines affected here on 4 different sites.

Different hardware but common denominator is that the ones I’ve seen so far are all 32bit.

Removing Avast! In safe mode solves it for now.


We’re also experiencing this on our 32Bit Windows 7 machines.

BSOD 0x0000000A

Yes thinking about it the ones which have reported are likely to be our older win 7 32bit installs. Great fun for a Monday morning…

Tell me about it!

Guys, you’re in the wrong forum section here.

Problem is with Avast consumer products and Avast for Business too.

OK, I see.

All my clients with windows 7 32 bit blue screen every 2 minutes.

I already reported it to the devs.

Same problem here with PCs running 32bit Windows 7 Pro

Disabling the shields seems (not ideal!) to stop the blue screens.

Trying to see if I can identify which one is causing it. I’ve got my money on the behaviour shield.

Disabling the shields wasn’t enough for me. I have had to completely uninstall avast on our 32bit PCs. We are using avast for business.

Same here.
Windows 7 x86.
Avast Free 17.2.2288 (build 17.2.3419.64)

It’s happening with only Win7 32 bit - both Free and Business versions. Resolution for now - uninstall the software.

I’ve just joined up to confirm this, seven machines now BSODing if Avast is running. Stopping the shields or the Avast service cures the BSOD.

Needs a fix ASAP.

First there was the problem of AVAST and AutoCAD 2011 (Win 7 (resolved through the key in the registry) and Win XP (is not solved)) after the update, after 2 days BSOD on 3 computers Win 7 32 bit. When will you fix it? >:(

P.S. Earlier Avast worked a year without problems. Better to test before release of updates

Had a Windows 7 32Bit machine running for about 30 minutes with just the behaviour shield disabled.

Previously they were BSOD every 10 minutes or so.

Experiencing the same on Windows 7.

I find that it shows bs not long after running a program.

Is this down to an update to the program this morning? as mine still shows same version.