avast bsod

i got a bsod twice when i exit a sanboxed firefox and quickly right click on the desktop
not sure if avast is causing this

Do you have the corresponding minidump file in C:\Windows\Minidump?
If yes, please upload it to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming

how do i do that?

Find minidump in C/Windows/Minidump.
Open Windows Explorer, in the address bar (where for example C:\ might be written), type http://ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming. Wait a few seconds, an empty window will appear. Now drag-and-drop the file onto that window. Thats it.

You can do it with windows commander. Have you ever uploaded anything to any ftp? This is the same.

You can do it with FTP command line utility.

i get access is denied error

do that in Internet Explorer first, then click on the “page” menu, and at the bottom of the list click on open ftp site in windows explorer.