Avast business antivirus not updating, business antivirus and some virus defintions stuck on old versions

We have multiple computers out of our 200+ stuck on old versions of avast business antivirus and some are stuck with old virus definitions, and no matter how many times we manually check for updates it says up to date, yet alot of the computers are on a version from November 2023 (23.11.2779), and says up to date, they are NOT, and this is a worry for us as need the upmost security and if we are running out of date virus software this is no good for us, the cloudcare agent shows its up to date on the online console, and sometimes even says virus definitions are up to date when they aren’t, please let me know if there’s a quick fix WITHOUT uninstalling, as some of the swe do not have physical access to and remote into using cloudcare, if we have to uninstall we’d lose remote access and the computer would be stuck.