We’re pleased to announce that Avast Business On-Premise Management Console 7.16 was released and is available for update now.
Release Notes: Avast Business On-Premise Management Console (December 18, 2019)
Console version: 7.16
Agent version: 4.16
Windows Antivirus: 19.7
Mac OS X Antivirus: 13.13
Release Summary
This release contains improvements and bug fixes to our Avast Business On-Premise Management Console.
[CBC-8095] Added support for completely offline networks
[CBC-9213] Updated PostgresSQL to v10.4
[CBC-9013] Console can now accept activation codes
[CBC-7180] Added SSL verification support
On-Premise Management Console has been upgraded to the current cloud version along with many small or large improvements and bug fixes.
5. [CBC-9186] Fixed an issue with a default policy being generated twice
6. [CBC-7107] Fixed an issue with registration of a device which has the console installed on itself
7. [CBC-6731]
8. [CBC-6876] Fixed an issue with upgrading the on-premise console
9. [CBC-6965] Fixed an issue with the password validation so it does not allow using the same e-mail address as for the account
10. [CBC-7052] Fixed an issue with problematic console starts after upgrading to 6.1
11. [CBC-7099] Fixed an issue with showing an error message after putting a wrong password
12. [CBC-6998] Fixed an issue with a session expiration when a browser is closed
13. [CBC-9249] Fixed an issue with downloading of Mac installer file
14. [CBC-8945] Fixed an issue with closing idle TCP connections which would sometimes make the console unresponsive
15. [CBC-8294] Fixed an issue with console failing to install when proxy is set
16. [CBC-7287] Fixed an issue with client using high CPU usage when the device cannot contact the console
17. [CBC-7122] Fixed issue with devices not registering correctly in the console when proxy is assigned
I must be the only person in the world using Docker as the installation page points to the old 6.0.14 ( docker-compose.yml and .ENV ). Could someone please update these to reflect the current 7.16 release?
Also, since the upgrade directions are really lack luster for a docker upgrade, can someone please provide the required steps to upgrade DOCKER from version 6.0.14 to 7.16.
Since the DB is being upgrade, does that mean I need to run docker pull avastsoftware/management-console-db to upgrade the DB or does the new management console do that automatically when I run docker-compose up?
It would be nice if the docker install page was a little more clear on the steps required to upgrade the Avast Docker app.
@Hillen, rest assured that you are not alone. I am waiting for this too. Hope someone at Avast finally gets around and pushes the new version to docker hub… Having a dockerized on-premise console was one of the aspects that sparked our interest into Avast products.
As business customers, you are eligible for support.
Just submit a request on this page: https://www.avast.com/business-support-contact or ask your reseller to escalate the request for you.
I received an email from Avast Support - there is no Docker version 7 yet.
I’m sorry Avast, I have used your security products since Windows NT, and this is the last year we will be your customer. Subscription expires in October, so I will start finding a replacement now.
You are a SECURITY company and you let your customers down consistently as we actually depend on you producing said SECURITY software to PROTECT our companies. I think your company has bit of more than it can chew.
Your delays have caused our field techs SO MANY heartaches because of your botched up FIREWALL settings, that you force us to disable the FIREWALL when on a customers site because there is NO WAY TO MANAGE the firewall properly with Premise Console version 6.
Since I am in desperate need of the new version 7 to fix the horrible Firewall implementation of On Premise console 6, I am now having to spin up a Windows Server to install the version 7 on premise console as a stop gap measure until I replace Avast on our network.
To add insult to injury, the docker version has refused to communicate with any of our clients, internal or external, even though the all have an active connection to the console and nothing has changed on our setup. Prior to this it would not apply the policies evenly to workstations in the same group, but we dealt with it. Nice, just nice!
Yes, we deploy ALL our On-Premise Manager under docker (linux). Moving to Windows means $$$ for clients and more resources…
Maybe it’s time to re-visit Antivirus/Malware Software solutions for SMB market as last time we’ve picked AVAST was 15 years ago.