avast can not able to delete file

Version: Avast antivirus free
Updated: Daily
Installed: A week ago

Scan found virus (win32:Bubnix-H(rtk)) in file (c:\Windows\System32\drivers\uaulip.sys)
Action: Delete

Avast says it has deleted the file. File is still there.
Everytime I connect to Internet then I get avast pop up that threat (Bubnix-H) discovered on above mentioned file.
It had taken care of and no action needed.

I get that 4-5 times everyday(last 4 days).

After that I tried boot scan and it Avast says it has deleted the file but file is still there.

How I could delete the file and have some relief.

I also have norton on my system and it is not getting this threat.

Please advice.
Thanks in advance.

Hi, I suggest that you use only one antivirus product as two running AV’s can conflict with each other. If you want to stick with avast, then remove norton (reboot computer, uninstall using add/remove programs in the control panel, Reboot, download the norton removal tool here to remove any remains and run it. Reboot again to complete the process) and then go to he control panel, add/remove programs, select avast, and click Repair. If you want to stick with norton, follow the same procedure for uninstalling norton but download this removal tool. Note that you have to execute this tool in safe mode. Then repair norton (if they have such an option). As for the infected file, can you move it to the virus chest and delete it from there? You should only delete the file if you are certain that it is infected, and not a false positive. Besides, Leaving it in the chest is safe; files in there cannot do any harm to the system.

Try free Mbam: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php
Report your results.

Btw: It’s not a good idea to run 2 resident AVs at the same time… Or what exactly do you have from Norton…?

I was just going to make the comment about not being able to run 2 resident AV’s at the same time because they will cause conflicts and can also cause false positives.

Here is the Norton Removal Tool: http://service1.symantec.com/support/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2005033108162039. REBOOT.

If you find you are having problems with Avast after removing Norton, you may need to uninstall and do a clean install of Avast.

Please post back and we will guide you through this. Thanks.

Once Norton has been removed, see if you still get the detection, also post the MBAM scan report as an attachment (see additional options to the lower left of the reply pane.)
Something is re-creating this file after deletion.
Also check inside the Avast quarantine, let us know if there are (multiple) instances of it there.