We have over 200 Dell PC’s in our company all using Avast Business Protection 6.0.1373. All running Windows 7 professional working fine.
We have just bought 15 Dell Pression T1650 PCs that all lockup roughly twice a week both while in use and idle.
When we uninstalled avast the PC’s never lockup.
Has anyone else heard of this before or any suggestion on a fix.
What is the version of Windows that you install on these PCs?
When the lock-up occurs? During sleep or during normal work?
Do you have any scheduled scans running when the issue occurs?
We are running Windows 7 Professional on all PCs. The lock-ups occur both when idle and during normal work. Most of the time its during work but I guess thats always the case as they are only idle for an hour while people are on lunch.
There are no scheduled scans running at the time of the issues. But it is always running the Real-time scan.