Virus Definition 141117-0 that came out yesterday with Avast Endpoint Protection Suite Program 8.0.1603 breaks several HTTPS sites in chrome. The pages work in IE and Firefox, but when you try to open them in Chrome it says that the page is not available.
Chrome Console shows
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
Pages work fine after uninstalling Avast.
After reinstalling Avast the pages no longer work.
I found some information that seems to indicate the problem is related to how Avast passes SHA1 related security off to the Chrome Browser. (one thread I found Google was in the process of disabling/removing these protocols due to lack of use/insecurity). I was able to roll back to Chrome version on one machine to 30.0.1599.199 and the site we need access to was accessible. Once Chrome updated itself to the current version, the site was again inaccessible. We are working with the site owner to resolve this.
It is only happening in Chrome, and I do not have the browser plugin installed. Webshield and Network shield are disabled. If I disable every feature of Avast the sites are still blocked. They only work if I uninstall Avast completely. I will PM you the sites.
Hmm. If Avast simply passes https packets from network interface to browser. Then I am at a loss as to why there would be a problem. Packet fragmentation shouldn’t be an issue, as once the packet reaches the PC, it should be complete. Security related to the number of “hops” made by the packet shouldn’t be a problem either, as packets going in either direction would either be simply passed in both cases or decremented in both cases.
Fortunately for us our site is now accessible. For reference, the site is:
This is the login page for the site. As noted, prior to today (and I haven’t yet checked chrome versions again) the site was accessible via Firefox and IE 9,10,11 on Windows based machines, but would receive the error message when accessing via Chrome.
I’ll check with regards to the avast plugin in Chrome.
Curiouser and curiouser said Alice