Avast Clashes with battery backup program

i use a battery backup for my computer, everytime i reboot my computer i get a message from my battery back up. the message is no apc battery backup present. could that be a conflict between the two? the battery backup i use is: american power conversion battery backup, take care. thank you in advance. any ideas how to solve this conflict? ???

Just for ‘input’ !

I use a Belkin UPS with monitoring software and have found no conflicts with Avast that I know of :slight_smile:

i’m using apc powerchute personal edition software with my apc battery backup. could that be the cause of my conflicts? avast antivirus, apc powerchute personal edition software are running at the same time. does this help? take care.


There is no reason that I am aware of that would cause a conflict between Avast and your backup power.

Did you have any problems before installing Avast?
What Avast version are you using?

You can disable Avast in the Startup menu to see if the problem goes away.

If it does, then I stand corrected, and we must look into this further.

Let me know.


Sorry Greg, I’m not familiar with your software. I use Belkin Bulldog Plus that came with the UPS.

I’ve never experimented, but does Windows not have built in UPS monitoring facilities (I think I’ve noticed it in XP, if so could it be worth trying that?.

How about any other monitoring software, is there anything else available to try?

i think i figured out what might be causing my problems, it was the help, support service on windowa xp home. i’m using the current verison of avast antivirus, thank you for all of your help. take care, it works with avast now so far.


The Battery backup problem has returned, i turned off avast in the start up menu but i still got the same error message about a apc battery backup not present. i’m using windows xp home sp1, i have the current verison of avast antivirus. i didn’t have any problems installing avast. any ideas how to solve this? take care.


Already contacted the manufacturer of the backup system?

i have contacted them, they told me to get the newest version of the software but it still causes problems. take care.

Any error(s) in the system or event logs that may tell more about what is going on?

Tested the backup system with another comp?

Does the backup has a selftest?

If you disconnect power to the comp, does it work?

I have recently added a UPS (Belkin regulator pro 525) to my system and installed the Belkin Bulldog software with no problems at all.

There is a UPS monitoring (service) facility in XP mine is at Manual and is Stopped, with no ill effects. I have seen that some UPS require the service (I think some older APC ones), but if yours has been working ok previously I wouldn’t think that is a factor.

The only thing avast could have to do with anything is if the UPS software was thought to contain a virus (which you haven’t reported), but nothing else.

I did have a similar error no battery backup present,but that was when I first added the UPS and before installing and configuring the software.

I assume you are not getting any warning lights on UPS power up test?

You could try the old uninstall reboot, re-install of the UPS software and see if that helps.


I have an APC UPS also and APC Powershute software too. They work perfectly with avast! and I have never had any problems. I think avast! has nothing to do with your problem.

Have you tested the battery if it’s really working?
Do you have a process named “mainserv.exe” (service) running?