If I ever got a common virus that the Avast Cleaner Tool could remove is it better to use that than Avast 4 (concerning registry fixing etc)? If so should I tell Avast 4 to ignore it (if it happened) and then remove later with the Cleaner Tool?
Yes, it is better to let the Cleaner do the job.
If avast! detects the virus by an on-access scan, the “internal” Virus Cleaner should be available using the “Completely remove the virus from the system” button in the “Virus found” dialog - if it’s one of the Cleaner-supported viruses.
What particular virus/worm do you need to remove?
I havent got a virus yet, was just wondering what to do if I did.
So Avast 4 (home edition) does the same as the standalone Cleaner Tool (small download tool) in terms of ability to remove viruses. I thought standalone Cleaner Tool was better at registry fixing etc for specific common viruses?
Exactly. Starting with v4.1 it has the cleaner integrated in the virus database. It will be offered to be run when appropriate… (e.g. if a virus is detected on the machine, it is active and the virus cleaner can handle it).