Avast Cleanup for Android - Force Stop fails to stop running apps

Avast Cleanup Long Term Boost: the Force Stop facility fails to stop the majority of running apps. This has only stated happening in the last few days. Today it failed to stop 24/24 apps. Android V: 7.1.1, Cleanup v:6.2.0 (800008959). I tried uninstalling/re-installing Cleanup but it made no difference. Also tried re-booting the phone but no good. Anybody else suffering this/have any ideas?


Please report this issue directly via the Avast Cleanup app. Avast Mobile support team will look into it.

Thanks - I will report direct to Avast.

Just a quick update on progress. The initial response from Avast Support was to tell me how to uninstall and reinstall the app. In my report I had told them that I have already tried this - to no avail. The response to my reply was entirely in German and so I do not understand what is being said. How can a so-called support team respond in German to somebody who is clearly non-German. It beggars belief.

I am now informed that this is known issue with the Cleanup app on some versions of android. Techies are working on it.