avast cmd line rpts

how can i get a rpt printed out using ashcmd.exe with the --report option and not get all the detail
listed??? running from a batch file and it seems to print out every file being processed??

also, is there a way to exclude files from being scanned when using this scanning method??

many thanks for your time…

found the problem with detail being printed out (dumb syntax error!!)
still need to know about file exclusion…

again, many thanks…

GUI>Settings>Global Exclusions :slight_smile:

Or via the file shield settings. :slight_smile:

will the global settings work even tho i am not using a custom scan from avast??

in other words i am just running scans from the cmd line with in a batch file…

so if i exclude anything globally will the cmd line scan pick up those global

many thanks…
just tried the global exclusion & it does not recognize it…
i ran the scan and the exclude was also scanned…

i checked THREE times to make sure the exclude was specified correctly…

looks as tho the cmd line scanner ignores global excludes???

any suggestions greatly appreciated…

many thanks…