Avast context menu

Is there any way to make Avast Internet Security 6.0.1000 right click scan context menu smaller.
Instead full name of folder/file scan, lets say for example Scan With Avast.

I would like to know too!

corttex, it was discussed here:


But I don’t know whether anything will come of it. I hope so.

I’d suggest to try the INI file key, proposed in that thread, in the latest beta.

Well the ini file setting now works (installed beta). Thankyou. But can I ask that the wording be changed (no, I’m not taking the p***, honestly). At the moment it reads, “Scan selected items for viruses” even if you select a single file…an item. Why not just have ‘Scan with Avast’?

Ya i also wanna know. There is pre release available now and avast can implement this suggestion also

Nope, sorry, that’s not going to be changed. While it seems like a tiny change, it’s a new text and would have to be translated into 35 languages… which is really a bit overkill for those few people who’ll ever use this option. I hope you can live with how it is.

Well, you’re the man, so I’ll just have to accept that plural now means singular as well, now won’t I. ;D

As an aside, when you say “…few people that who ever use…” are you suggesting that for all intents and purposes the context menu entry is pretty much redundant due to real time scanning? If so, could there not be a setting to ‘switch it off’? I notice that there’s an option to integrate the Sandbox items into the shell menu, so how about being able to activate and deactivate this for the Scan item as well?

No, I am certainly not saying that.
I’m just saying that this special INI file key, which makes the “Scan selected items” text to be used even if only one file is selected, will be used by just a few people, possibly those from this (and the second) thread.

As for disabling the menu item completely… I believe if you use the same INI value, but set it to -1 (instead of 0), the menu entry disappears.

Please, which entry in AIS v6.0 INI file need to be changed, makes the “Scan selected items” text instead full folder/file name in right click context menu.

It’s in the avast5.ini.

For ‘Scan selected items for viruses’


or for default:


or to remove from context menu (thanks Igor):


Oh, okay then.

..I'm just saying that this special INI file key, which makes the "Scan selected items" text to be used even if only one file is selected, will be used by just a few people, possibly those from this (and the second) thread.

Possibly. You may be right. Although I wonder how many people will find the answer and leave without a word. Maybe there are more people ‘tweaking’ than you imagine…maybe not. I actually think that many people won’t bother to look for a solution even if it annoys them. That said, it bothered me, and I came here looking for a solution. ;D

As for disabling the menu item completely... I believe if you use the same INI value, but set it to -1 (instead of 0), the menu entry disappears.

Thankyou for that. I’ll toggle between all three options and see which of them I can live with ::slight_smile:

At least, a compact mode.

I try to edit avast5ini file, disable self protect, in avast ini file under user interface insert ShellExtensionFileName=0 line, save changes, reboot, but nothing happens - right click context menu is still the same with full folder/file name.
AIS 6.0.1000 Win XP SP3
Where I’m wrong

Well, if you mean compact in the sense that it now doesn’t stretch from here to eternity, then yes, it’s a bit more compact ::slight_smile: But compact to me means something like:

‘Scan…’ or
‘Scan with Avast’ but not
‘Scan selected items for viruses’

The new entry, whilst contracted, is only better in the sense that it is potentially less verbose.

Avast aren’t the only ones that do this context-menu graffiti though. ClamWin’s new context menu entry, which I immediately removed as well, is similarly sprawling, and is more like a longwinded statement of intent than a menu entry. ClamWin’s is:

‘Scan with ClamWin Free Antivirus’

Heaven help us! That’s gone, and I created a custom entry instead. However, ClamWin readily provides the syntax necessary for creating your own custom menu entries…and it is also easy to find, and works exactly exactly the same way as the shell extension. So I can shorten the entry to ‘Scan with ClamWin’ - which is plenty long enough for anyone - without penalty/loss of function.

Another is Malwarebytes’ Anti-malware…or MBAM, which less of a mouthful. It also suffers with the same verbosity as the aforementioned. Again, I disabled integration because of it polluting the context menu. MBAM’s entry:

‘Scan with Malwarebytes’ Anti-malware’

Flamin’ Aida! And I am not alone in my griping about the length of context menu entries, thankfully, as a quick search will show.

Well, you haven’t installed the beta Pre-release by the looks of it. v 6.0.1021. better download that first.


OK. Thank You for help.

Somebody will help me with this???

ShellExView v1.65 - Shell Extensions Manager

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Add the line: ShellExtensionFileName=0 after [UserInterface] and before [Simple]

YoKenny, shellexview is not related to this… ::slight_smile: