Avast + Crack?

Just curious. What does + Crack mean?

Avast! Internet Security 6.0.1367 + License + Crack

Also, could Avast have anything to do with a lack of access to http sites - no problem for https?

It means stealing… It is a lisense created with a keygen
But there is always a risck using this, as sometimes you Get more then just the craked license

Eksempel here with craked malwarebytes license

Crack generally means a licence number that has lots of extra goodies with e.g MBR infections, fake antimalware programmes, keyloggers, trojan downloaders etc…

It is an illegal way of using propriety software without paying. And is the most dangerous way to get anything

I would steer well clear of anything like that, unless you want to lose all your private data/money/credit rating and end up with a doorstop for a computer

Thanks Pondus and essexboy.

I don’t have a cracked version, but someone I know may have.

It appears there are several sites offering it, so I hope Avast does its best to get the word out about the dangers.

This is often made by the same guys that create malware, and those guys dont give you antything for free…

So the smile You had on your face the first weekend bc you where Able to run full versjon without paying for it…dissapears when You discover it was bundled with a trojan that stole all your passwords to facebook/Mail accounts/bank account…etc. :-\

Agree, if someone discovered how to get something for free, they wouldn’t just release it to the public, unless they were against that product. They would add something to it, so that they would be the one with beneficial information, such as passwords, so they can earn money ‘the other way’.

I like this definition. ;D

What really blows my mind is when I see people actually trying to download cracked Tax and financial software. :o

It means trouble…!!!

The sites that offer these types of programs to bypass legitimate means of obtaining paid programs are also the places where those that visit their sites make a conscious decision
to take a chance on getting their system infected.
You already know before going to one of these sites that they aren’t safe so the choice is yours. :frowning: