Avast crashes during virus scans.

I literally just bought avast premium security for an entire year because why not. When i run a virus scan it crashes and refuses to reload. i looked on here for answers and i couldnt find a solution. I turned off and on my firewall. Uninstalled and reinstalled avast. Restarted my computer which is the only way i can get it to come back on. Any help would be appreciative if you need more info about my laptop just let me know.

[b]Repair & Clean Install of Avast → https://goo.gl/t7aJGq[/b]

I repaired the app like you said. The first time didn’t work it continued to crash on virus scans, so after restarting my computer a couple of times and hitting that repair button it runs fine now. I appreciate the quick response.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: