Just a warning to anyone who has Avast free, the latest up date has crashed many harddrives, I have had 3 so far, nightmare to remove but damage may already been done. I have had this confirmed by 10+ engineers across the globe who are also having to replace HD’s
I’ve had no problems myself, but has anyone else experienced this?
storage medias like HDD’s are bound to fail.
most HDD’s have a lifetime of 4-6 years. Other environment factors will affect too.
mine is fine btw running the latest update.
also HDD’s are much safer than SSD’s in this aspect.
SSD’s has limited read/write values. In each write/read degrades the cells.
avast scans your pc so theres a lot of writing and reading.
but you should also take into account that not only avast do this.
A lot of software out there do this too, like SPOTIFY which is WORSE.