Avast cripples Fedex Ship Manager to a crawl

Avast cripples Fedex Ship Manager to a crawl. Fedex Ship Manager works fine when you stop protection. Anyone had similar problem. Is there a way around?

What if you stop the resident providers one by one - does it help? E.g. does it help if you only pause Web Shield provider and keep the rest of the resident protection running?

Thanks. I will try that.

Did you ever determine what was causing this? I’m trying to enter an exclusion for the same thing and can’t seem to narrow down what is being scanned or blocked.

FYI…it’s something in the avast firewall that was causing the issue. Once I find the exact file I’ll re-post.

Is your Avast firewall set to Public (factory default) or Private. Set Avast firewall to Private and try.