Avast! detected a Clickjack on my website

So recently I update my website with a new template, and apparently there’s a click jack on it. I’ve tried to find the source, but I don’t know what I can do to remove it. I moved the website to a different directory for security/testing purposes.

Edit: issue was resolved


That did it thanks, was able to point out the issue and take care of it!

You’re welcome.

Did you update your backported server software as Sucuri suggests?
Re: http://fetch.scritch.org/%2Bfetch/?url=www.dwarvenvanguard.com%2Ftest2&useragent=Fetch+useragent&accept_encoding=
else the SEO spam could soon be a returning event.


Outdated Web Server Apache Found

How do I go about updating that?

problems server
but there is no avast alert after code was clean, the site is automatically removed from the blacklist, not requiring a later update.

Maybe. Fact remains that server is still vulnerable and insecure.

For outdated software vulnerabilities the webmaster/hoster has to answer. This is outside the scope of av software.
We volunteers here in the support forums however mention these insecurities to avoid reinfection or other hacks.
An occasional Sucuri website check or a Website Security Check here: http://www.websicherheit.at/en/website-security-check/
are recommended scans (Sucuri scan can be directly launched from within VT results).
avast! blocking or not blocking is independent of vulnerable server software, but depending on existing malcode up and active.
So when the software is not updated the SE malware could return as the server the website is being hosted on remains vulnerable.
avast! does not flag vulnerable server software or CMS like outdated Joomla, WP, themes, plug-ins etc.
Website security scans like Sucuri’s and asafaweb scan for asp.net websites do flag these vulnerabilities.
