Avast detected a Trojan is this a real one or a FP?

Its a Win32:Agent-EFO. Original file name A0045055l.exe, File ID 4. I found it during a scan. Its in C:\System Volume Infomation_restore{129201FA-B0AC-49B3-96B2-DEB8B91I727B}

An online File scan at Kaspersky
should help to determined if this is a real threat or not

How will I find the file to put test it at Virusburst?

Use the browse button. The file name is in your first post.

I know its there I just don’t know how to go the that exact file from the list.

Are you showing hidden files and folders?
To unhide them, open any folder and go to Tools >folder options > View, then scroll down to where it says ‘Hidden files and folders’ and then check/tick the ‘Show hidden files and folders’.
Tutorial here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial62.html

Besides this, you’ll need to take ownership over that folder, only allowed to system (and not to users).

  1. Make sure you computer is set to “View Hidden Files” and you have “Full Administrative Access”
  2. Browse to System Volume Information folder, right-click it. Open properties, click Security > Advanced > Owner > Edit > Administrators.
    Click OK and close the properties. Then re-open properties of the file, Click Security > Advanced > Edit > select Administrators and click Edit.
    Click “Full Control”, Click OK and close the properties.