Avast detects a false positive

Hi all!

I have been an “Avast! Mobile Security” user on android for some weeks now and i have noticed that the antivirus detects a “clean” app as false positive. This happens since the first time i installed Avast on my smartphone. I wanted to point it out here in the forum so that the developers could fix this problem, which is a bit annoying. The application i refer to is “smsAlarm” (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=garozzo.marco.smsAlarm) and is developed by an italian engineer. I have dowloaded from the official play store and i am nt having any troubles. It is definitely a false positive. Can you please fix this issue?

PS: Both Avast and smsAlarm are updated to the latest release.

As long as it does not come from here: htxp://www.gsmalarmsystem.com/ which has a bad WOT rep: http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/www.gsmalarmsystem.com (with links in spam to this site)


Thanks for your reply!

As long as it does not come from here: htxp://www.gsmalarmsystem.com/

The android application i have mentioned (smsAlarm" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=garozzo.marco.smsAlarm ) is not related with king pigeon hi-tech.co.,ltd. and its alarm systems. Hope this means that the problem can be fixed easily ;D