July 12, 2009, 5:20pm
Avast says the ClamWin portable anti virus is JS: ScriptSH-inf more ClamWin is placed on the site to portable apps this is a false positive?
Use the portable version to not have more conflicts still says it is malware?
Downloaded at:
In total only 2 site virus anti virus detect as malware:
July 12, 2009, 5:53pm
Installing another resident AV is no good. Two AVs conflict.
July 12, 2009, 6:07pm
ClamWin does not protect residents.
And I still use a portable version that can be downloaded here:
Even ClamWin resident I would have protected only the avast because clamav not a product of winning prizes as ComputerBild av.
Site of the database used by ClamWin:
Avast detects the malware from the database of ClamWin.
If you search the forum you’ll see the incompatibility between avast and ClamWin nowadays.
There is no apparent solution, besides ClamWin uninstallation.
ClamWin detection rate is bellow the acceptable.
July 12, 2009, 6:41pm
More is not malware then?
Avast anti virus panda detects the malware as it is basically what happens with ClamWin?
Use the pen drive.
No, it’s not malware. It’s similar to Panda issue with avast.
July 12, 2009, 6:44pm
Hi livre1,
An alternative is a non-resident additionally next to avast DrWebCureIt, update regularly and launch from a pendrive,
I’ve forgotten that. Good suggestion Polonus.
July 12, 2009, 6:50pm
Thanks tech.
Polonus I find an anti virus for pen drive which I thought was the only devices to U3.
I found one that I want to comment until he calls mx one more he seems to be a rogue, because many people say that it is not a good product.
My internet is dial download dr web is always difficult.
Thank you all.
Why do you need a portable antivirus?
You can add the Clamwin folder to avast exclusions, and the avast temporary folder to Clamwin exclusions.
July 12, 2009, 7:02pm
Because my pc has a trojan and it found nothing.
Already spent Avira tools, web etc dr.
At the end I found a solution here:
More even with this update I’m still resolving questions where I think this is malware.
Microsoft does not inform that this update is malware.
As for ClamWin I just do a scan while I do the scan disable the resident protection of avast.
After I delete it.
Which? avast does not detect?
Can you send the file for analysis to virus (at) avast (dot) com ?
July 12, 2009, 7:20pm
Avast detects win32: rootkit-gen more back when he always connect to the Internet.
I had win32: trojan-gen etc.
In one forum they said it is more KIDO KIDO avast detect.
Or conficker.
I installed the update and stopped even more so I’m afraid.
It may be that the update may have resolved one another more.