Something went wrong, and now we can’t protect you. Try to restart Avast.
That one - error message.
So, y-day when I get back home I have an Avast (free antivirus) message that win32 something blah blah was detected. After that, I started getting this problem. I reinstalled my antivirus, scanned my PC, no new viruses were detected and I continued my work. In the morning when I woke up (PC all that time were ON, I never turn it off), I saw this message that Avast Doesn’t Work again. I had no time to fix it till now. Now I get back home, I bought Avast Pro Antivirus, I deleted Avast Free Antivirus, after restarted, installed Pro version, and now it stops working like every 5 minutes, and I need to turn in on manually. How to fix this problem?
Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier) - Pro
OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?) - Win 7 64
Other security related software installed…? - no
Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…? - Only Avast
I just disabled a lot of my chrome browser plugins, and avast didn’t crashed for already i think 15 minutes. Mb I’m just lucky.
Mb it’ll help, i use:
Authy, Ban Checker for Steam, Beat Finder, Google Docs, Google Docs offline, Google Presentations, Grammarly for Chrome, Tampermonkey, Video Deck for YouTube, Video Downloader GetThemAll, Video Downloader Pro, Video Downloader proffesional, one more Video Downloader Professional, VK Downloader, Wikiwand, Pinterest save button. Almoas all of them including ABP were on. Now only ABP working and no crashes.
Keep us informed if everything keeps working now.
If not, disable the add-ons and enable them one at a time and use the system a few hours to see if we can narrow down the problem that way.