I recently refreshed my computer and now i am putting the software back on it now. I got everything else done but my licence for avast driver updater is gone and I can’t find it. Is there any of the avast employees on this forum who can actually help me? There tech support page says that they are closed so i thought i would reach out here for help
First, I’m an Avast user not an Avast Team member.
I’m not sure where you started trying from, whilst the Tech Support (physical location) is closed, there should be Avast Team members connecting remotely to monitor support issues.
I started out at this URL https://support.avast.com/en-ww/contact and that gets you to a form to create a support ticket.
- What can we hep you with - I chose the option with License Issues in the text.
- How can we help - I chose the text with ‘help with a different subscription’ - the closest to what I think you need help with.
- When you click next you get form to complete.
Here you are effectively asked questions relating to your purchase, when it is asking for an email address you need to enter the one you gave when you purchased. It also asks for your Order ID, you probably won’t know that either, if not enter 00000000 it should allow that. Now give as much information as you can in the Details window to help them find your order so that can resend the license.
yeah after some guessing and getting the run around on the avast website i was finally able to find that page with that form on it. i have sent that off and am waiting for a reply lol
I’ve removed your other post on the same topic.
Please only post once. Additional post with the same question only lead to confusion. Thanks