Avast email spam

Hey Avast people.

I’ve always been a fan of Avast. I recently started using Windows again, and of course installed Avast on it.

However I’m very disappointed to see that Avast has stooped to using their users email as spam delivery systems. It seems that Avast’s default setting is now to append a “clean” message to all outgoing messages. Anybody with any sense knows that this clean message means nothing. It’s not like you - the recipient of a message - can trust the sender to tell you that the message is clean. It’s a truly laughable concept. - This is just an obvious, and rather pathetic, marketing scheme.

Of course this can be disabled, but as we know, most users just don’t care (or known) enough to do that.

I’ve boycott AVG - an otherwise very good AV - for this reason for a long time, and sadly it seems Avast must now join that list.

Thank you for your excellent software until now. Farewell.

Webmail users dont have this problem :slight_smile:

Change your mail shield behavior…
GUI>Settings>Active Protection>click on the Mail Shield sprocket>click “behavior”>tick or untick what you want or don’t want. :slight_smile:

I’m aware that you can turn it off. My point is that people shouldn’t have to turn it off; they shouldn’t be required to opt out of being spam carriers for their AV software. It’s a despicable misuse of the trust your users put in you.

If they want to bug everybody they talk to with appended AV adverts, that’s fine, but they should be asked first.
