avast! encounters problem....

Hello. I have been successfully using avast for quite a while. This morning it didn’t load on boot up. I tried to manually start it and got a window saying:

Internal error has occurred in avast! program. It is probably caused by a program bug or invalid entry data.
It then offers to send an error report.

I have done all the uninstalling, booting, and reloading but get the same result.

What am I missing?

Thanks for any help.

Of course, this is not suppose to be happening, did you use Avast Uninstall for complete desinstallation before you install avast! again?

The downloaded file is ok?
Did you have any other antivirus application running in your system?

I followed these steps that I found here:

[i]At this time, I suggest you a ‘clean installation of avast’:

  1. Download the avast! setup (current version 4.1.319). Take note of your Registration key or, if you need another key, the registration form can be found here
  2. Desinstall avast (Control Panel)
  3. Boot
  4. Use Avast Uninstall for complete desinstallation
  5. Boot
  6. Install the downloaded setup file
  7. Boot
  8. Enter the Registration key and configure avast! for your needs [/i]

As soon as I enter the reg key provided via email, I get the same error box.

I deleted and re-downloaded several times.

No other anti virus, but I am using Zone Alarm and have always used it with avast before.

I can’t think of anything else!

Personally i would uninstall avast and use registrar lite (freeware registry editor)…
to find all instances of alwil or avast and clean the registry as well as the alwil programme folder.Something is obviuosly persisting (probably in the registry).Registrar lite is good be cause if you type in alwil and “find” it will find all entries in one go and allow you to edit delete or whatever .Obviuosly backup your registry before any alterations.Once you ve done this reboot and reinstall avast.

Maybe bassbag is not a bad solution… Sometimes these errors were related to other questions that we do not think, for instance, the browser configuration or your ODBC drivers… I think only avast! team could bring the solution.

…very interesting…

After I repeated all the previous steps, I then ran a Norton sweep on the registry - tried it again, but still no success. :cry:

Finally, in desperation I decided to try installing the old Avast32 - Avast 3

It installed and automatically updated to avast 4. I did the settings, then the required reboot - and…

…be still my heart - avast loaded! I was never so happy to see that spinning blue “a” ball! ;D

I checked and I do have the latest program and vps.

Go figure! Thanks to all who responded, and hopefully this will continue to behave. :wink:

great news!

I think so too!

I’m guessing that there was something missing in the avast 4 download, that the avast 3 supplied. It’s lucky that I still had it buried in my unzipped folder.

It doesn’t explain how it got “broke” in the first place, but I’m just happy it’s working again!


Did you install any program before avast! has started to crash? And if so what program is it?

You can try change value of Database key to XML in avast.ini file placed in Data subfolder of avast! installation - this will prevent avast! from using ODBC layer.