I just set up a new computer with Win XP Pro and MS Outlook 2003.
After set up, for no apparent reason, I started getting the error message as follows:
avast! Mail Scanner Warning
avast! will not be able to protect outgoing mail (SMTP protocol)
Error: 10048
Port 25 is already in use, specify another port value (see
section "cooperation with other software in 'Manual Setting' of Mail
Protection in help)
I followed the instructions to edit the avast!4.ini file but the same error keeps occuring. The wizard states that I should not have to do anything as avast! is already tuned for MS Outlook.
I have tried to find info about this error by searching this forum. The other messages that refer to the same problem seem to have a conflict with other programs. I have only Win XP Pro, MS Office 2003 and avast!installed on my computer because it is new.
I think the error started prior to Win XP SP2 being installed but cannot be sure. Thanks, in advance, for any help to fix this error.
Setup the mail in Outlook as your isp tells you, than run th mail protection wizzard. See if that solves it. If not, do a search on this board. There are several threads with possible other solutions.
Eddy, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have set uo the info in outlook the way my ISP requires. The test function in MS Outlook 2003 confirms this. In any case, I have run the mail protection wizard several times. It runs normally. I still have the same error as described in my initial message.
I’ve done a search of this board for similar errors and all I can find are message threads that report conflicts with other programs. I don’t yet have any other programs installed to cause a conflict. I am trying to to solve this error before I install anything else.
Strange, this shouldn’t happen. I have to step back here. Other than to manual set everything I haven’t another possible solution. Wait for one of the Alwil people to step in. (Shouldn’t take long for them)
Eddy, MS Outlook does not use Mail Protection Wizard :-[
It uses MS Outlook/Exchange plugin…
tfchk, can you check if avast! plugin is enabled into the MS Outlook?
Depending on the version of Outlook could be:
Extra > Options > Other > Advanched Options
Help > About > Pluggins
I had the same problem, few weeks ago, after I installed XP Pro on one of my PCs.
As far as i remember :-\ I solved it this way:
First I followed the following path,
Start → Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs → Add/Remove Windows Components (left panel) → Internet Information Services (IIS) → details
Then I disabled a line having (SMTP).
The conflict at port 25 disappeared and the error message didn’t pop-up
I read that the disabled service is not important and also uses port 25 (for debugging… using inetinfo.exe)