I used Avast! -home edition… I had it in Normal protection as it is from the installation. You know what happened? I got lots of virus infections and Avast didn’t tell me about them. Then I did scan the whole computer. It found Vitros, Malwares, Trojans and other Viruses about 50! :o I moved them all into chess but it seemed that they just copied them again when I restarted computer. Well… I ran Boot scan, safe mode scan and other programmes… It removed files every time. And after every time the viruses came back. I noted that my system files were infected so I installed repair isntall of my XP. The system started… and when I tried to scan… The viruses woke up and multiplyed themselves… I had to format my hard drive and Install OS again to get rid of those viruses… :-\ So YOU shouldn’t do like I did! Use High settings in Avast virus protection! Or you may lose all important stuff like I lost my legal Xp and now I have cracked pirate XP:P
Btw. One of these files were “RESTORER32_a.exe” and “reader_s.exe” Avast didn’t regonize them… If you have those files on your computer you may have a very bad Virus pack like I did… So be aware!
- Which was your old antivirus (before avast)?
- Vitro could prevent avast to be corrected installed.
- Do you have the files avast did not detect? Can you send them to virus (at) avast (dot) com ?
- I installed Avast when I bought my computer
- Avast was installed right
- I lost the files when I had to reformat "C:"
Is it working now?
yes ;D