Avast fails to start affter reboot PC!


Install OK, Run OK
But Affter reboot PC will can’t start!
Try install again OK but But Affter reboot PC will can’t start!

Windows 10.0.16299 Pro N Build 16299 x64
Try Avast Free and Premier 18.3.2333 Build 18.3.3860

As in most cases the fastest way to repair is to go back to an actual image…

I updated to the newest version but the license renewal problem remains. Also i cannot update the virus database, i suppose that is connected to the license renewal.

Try OpenDNS or GoogleDNS.

I really have no idea what that is and how to use it. How can it solve the problem?

See if this helps you: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using