When Avast 2015 performs a Browser Scan it finds a plugin named ‘Safesearch’ as undesirable. I’m using Chrome and find no plugin, extension, or add-on in Chrome or Internet Explorer. I’m thinking Avast might be referring to Chrome’s safe searching feature which I have turned off. But, on another PC with the same versions of Windows 7, browsers, and Avast, the browser scan comes up clean. A complete hard disk search also finds no instances of Safesearch. Does anyone have any experience with this or a similar problem ?
Clear your browsers with AdwCleaner and see if that changes anything
Please attach the BCU log file to your next post.
Adwcleaner scan finds no problems. I just recently did a clean install of Avast in safe mode after running the avastclear uninstall utility.Additionally, after avast finds the SafeSearch problem and asks for removal, and if the users agrees, another window appears stating that there needs to be an internet connection. Of course, the internet connection was already there. But now, the new window (falsely reporting that an internet connection is not available) freezes and only a re-boot will eleiminate it.
BCU log ? What’s that ?
BCU = Browser Cleanup Utility
The log file is named : Avast-Browser-Cleanup.log
I’ve attached the Avast-Browser-Cleanup.log. I noticed references to Advanced System Care which was deleted some time ago. I also found SafeSearch in the log as well as several places in the registry. I reinstalled Chrome in the case that it might have been corrupted to some degree. Now, the browser scan still flags SafeSearch as an issue, but allows the removal option without freezing the window and comes back to report no undesirable plugings found. However, a re-scan again flags SafeSearch - evidenced that avast has fixed nothing.
Do you have an add-on/extension “advanced system care surfing protection”?
If you do try to either remove or disable it then run another scan. And please
post the BCU log.
some crap from IOBit https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/Advanced%20SystemCare%20Surfing%20Protection
i recomend attaching diagnostic logs so essexboy can have a look
see here https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 scroll down to Farbar Recovery Scan Tool, run as instructed and attach the two logs
I think that my problem has been resolved. Avast Browser Scan now finds no problems including SafeSearch.
Farbar Recovery Scan tool listed SafeSearch as an installed process - probably because of it’s leftover registry entries that were also detected by the avast scan. No fragments of the program exists in the OS(C) directory tree structure and hence, could not be uninstalled. Even after downloading the current version of SafeSearch from AVsoftware’s site and reinstalling it, none of my uninstall programs were able to detect it as an installed program. But now, Safesearch’s uninstall program unins000.exe was available in it’s program files(x86) install location. Thanks for all the assistance in resolving this problem.
I very much doubt that everything is ok now.
Please follow the instructions in the link that Pondus gave you.