Avast Firewall Blocking Lots Of Traffic


I have the new upgrade of Avast and noticed that the firewall is blocking some form of traffic enarly every second. The programs being blocked are:
“NVidia Container”
The reason given for this is that they are “Public Tcp/udp in Block”.

Can someone please explain to me what this actually means and why these are being blocked?
I am running windows 10 Anniversary Edition and on a public network (college).


Do you have any problem with the system/software ?

No, all the things mentioned work fine.

Is it possible that this is because I’m on a public network and the firewall is being more strict than it normally would be?

I just found out that all the blociked traffic has direction “in” and also that if I change the network to “private” then all of this traffic stops being blocked.
So It’s obviously due to some heightened security settings on public networks. Any advice on what to do?

As you don’t have a problem, do nothing.
Leave things as they are.

Don’t use third party firewall, it is just not needed. Even best firewall in the world is bad if user don’t know how configure it. For those people is best Windows Firewall, which in default settings block all incoming connections and don’t break Windows functions like homegroup sharing etc. Also no more procesess which can make trouble. So don’t replace windows inbuild functions if not nescessary.

try switch to private network