Issue: Firewall blocking a valid site (Blackboard)
With this latest update (Avast Premier, specifically Avast’s firewall), I can no longer access Blackboard (off-campus) at my institution. If I turn off the firewall, I can use Blackboard just fine. I’ve entered every conceivable web address for Blackboard (to be excluded), yet the only way I can access it is by disabling the Avast firewall. I am a professor and must be allowed to access grades, assignments, and such for my students.
I paid for this version (long-time user of both paid and free), and if this continues, I will uninstall this Avast and demand a refund. My institution provides for each of us a free copy of Norton’s Sam. I do not care for that antivirus software and have always paid for Avast instead. (No, I do not have Sam installed. I use only Avast.)
Please, if you have one, share with me a walk-around or some means of allowing me to connect to a valid site such as Blackboard. Avast seems to have really pared down the amount of user interference with its firewall.