Avast Firewall is now blocking Blackboard

Issue: Firewall blocking a valid site (Blackboard)

With this latest update (Avast Premier, specifically Avast’s firewall), I can no longer access Blackboard (off-campus) at my institution. If I turn off the firewall, I can use Blackboard just fine. I’ve entered every conceivable web address for Blackboard (to be excluded), yet the only way I can access it is by disabling the Avast firewall. I am a professor and must be allowed to access grades, assignments, and such for my students.

I paid for this version (long-time user of both paid and free), and if this continues, I will uninstall this Avast and demand a refund. My institution provides for each of us a free copy of Norton’s Sam. I do not care for that antivirus software and have always paid for Avast instead. (No, I do not have Sam installed. I use only Avast.)

Please, if you have one, share with me a walk-around or some means of allowing me to connect to a valid site such as Blackboard. Avast seems to have really pared down the amount of user interference with its firewall.

For the record, I’m using Windows 7.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

The issue is solved! Turning off port scan works! (See Pondus’s suggestion in this forum: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=200890.msg1387109#msg1387109)