Avast firewall W10

Since I’ve downloaded W10 the Avast (pro) firewall won’t start…

and you have done a reboot?

try avast repair

controlpanel > ad/remove programs > avast > uninstall/change > repair option …

any change?

OBS: … you say avast PRO … avast PRO dont have a firewall, you need avast internet security for that

I just got my upgrade completed around noon today. I’ve rebooted three or more times and my avast internet security 2015 firewall will not turn on. I get the message “Unable to Start Firewall”.

@Pondus I’ve premium (you’re right)…

Yes that’s my ‘problem’ too. Firewall won’t start…

and you have tried repair?

Same problem here too. Updated my Avast premier and did a reboot, and same problem.

@Pondus It worked (repair). May I kiss you? (Don’t worry I won’t)…

May I kiss you? (Don't worry I won't)...
Miss Frank may ;D

your welcome :wink: