I use direct connection, wired router & wireless (only my wireless connection)
I keep on checking grc.com & Avast always stealth all the ports.
But only 1 prob & this prob happens only with Avast Firewall. I have never seen this prob with Comodo FW & Windows 7 FW.
On my routers page, WAN IP mostly starts with 203.x.x.x & think 192.x.x.x & with Avast FW installed, grc.com shows all ports stealth. This is fine.
But with Avast FW installed, I have noticed sometimes WAN IP shows 195.195.x.x & when this IP is shown, grc.com shows 2 ports stealth, rest closed & 80 & 443 open always. Avast Home Network scan also reports this prob when WAN IP shows this IP.
notice, when runing shields up probe scan, it is the first firewall that is tested. So if you are behind a router/ISP box with hardware firewall then that is the one tested
ISP port blocking can be easily tested, often quite rapidly, by arranging to allow the ShieldsUP! probe to have access to an unprotected computer. Since all non-stealth machines will respond to every open request — either affirmatively or negatively — ports appearing as STEALTH will be those blocked by your ISP, corporate firewall, or other external agency.
If your system is unprotected, without any personal firewall or NAT router, any ports showing as stealth are being blocked somewhere between your computer and the public Internet. This is probably being done by your ISP. Internet traffic directed to your computer at the stealth ports will be dropped before reaching your machine.</blockquote>
you find this info below the scan result after testing
Thanxx replying guys.
I know the things you have mentioned.
No wireless printer.
Why WAN IP on routers page shows sometimes IP 195.195.x.x?
This WAN IP I see sometime only when Avast FW is installed.
Dont see it with any other firewall installed.
I have seen 3 types of IP in WAN IP in router page.
Starts with 203.x.x.x
Starts with 192.x.x.x
Ports are always stealthed with the above starting IP.
Whenever WAN IP shows IP starting with 195.195.x.x then always 2 ports stealth, rest closed & 80 & 443 always open.
I dont understand why this happens with IP starting with 195.195.x.x?
Are IP starting with 195.195.x.x. normal for home users?