Avast folders read only

I downloaded some new skins for Avast home and went to copy them to C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA but get the following error massage

Error Copying File or Folder

Cannot copy black_vibe_by_szcraftec: Access is denied.

Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected
and that the file is not currently in use.


I get the same error for any folder under C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\ Unchecking read only in the properties of the folder does not fix this problem.

Has anyone got any other ideas?

You should be able to install them from the skin download.

I just tried that and clicked the download link, it ran it directly and installed the skin, see image.

You shouldn’t have to copy it into any folder, if you try you will bump into the avast self-defence module introduced in version 4.8 to protect avast.

So if you can’t get it to work directly from the download, try double clicking the file in the location you downloaded it too. It may be that you have to disable the self-defence module, Program Settings, Troubleshooting and enable it after installing the skin.

Thanks David double clicking the skin worked fine! Problem solved!