AVAST4Home safe me PC.
I used for months PANDA Titanium and this virus programm
is a dissaster,slow,no email,no internet,and if its running then blokking
Panda becourse there whas a fragmentation attack.
How many hours waiting before Panda whas ready for surfing over
A week a go have i remove Panda and i install NOD32.
And Bingo 5x TroyanHorses,so thats good,but i Don"t no how NOD32
works with this stuff,annyway all the things are desinfected.
But,whitin a few hours do you not Know how the setup is working.
So,Nod32 is very good,but i remove this programm and cleaning me PC.
And then i install AVAST4Home whit a nice Skin,I Know this program from
me old computers(they are dead).
Avast did the on acces run,and olso bingo.And a few infected files.
All the things have Avast repair,and running as a brand new computer.
This is the best move i ever did. Avast for Ever!!! ;D

Be sure that Panda was completely removed as you can see some ‘false positives’ because Panda does not encrypt their virus signatures :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
NOD32 has a very good detection rate.
But, as you experienced, avast is very comfortable, customizable and allow the protection you need 8)

Tech. I am sorry I have the hole story over Panda Removing told.
But i have 60 minutes, and i whas to late.
Me text is gone.But another time i change the login time.

Yes i know that Unstallation of Panda Titanium a helsy job whas,so i
prepair me good.My Cable Provider send me a unstall tool,i have My unstallation
download off the windows marketplace.
Now Removing in Software did not working. Then let i JV16 a registry and
software remover Tool doing his work,and its going fine.
But the Removing Tool from panda did olso not working.Then i going to C Local
and open the map Panda,and whit me bare hands i did all the things remove
off Panda.Then i saw in Ccleaner Panda,and i try it remove,but no luck.
Then i take My unstaller,and dammit no sucses.O yes then Easy Cleaner
O Boy What a terriffic noise,yes he did the job.15 seconds and panda
whas dissapere.Then with all the tools a inspection and me PC whas clean.
The i install NOD32 and let him running,result TrojanHorses(3),and it whas
not so easy this Trojans to isolate.
But NOD32 is complete new for me,so i Uninstallthis programm,and cleaning
and cleaning but all the things did working.
Then Install i AVAST4Home,why?becourse i now this programm.
He found olso Trojan Horses but in the on acces mode is all the stuff removed
removed to th chest.
A day later did i report on a security site.and all the IT experts say the same.
False positive,here read this page. And i saw a notice off AVAST.
O.K. than False positive,but me computer spinning like a pussycat.
This is a hole new computer.And thanks for the support Avast,Updates
and a fine running compu.
Avast did saving me nervs and me computer.And for annyone Take
Never ever Panda or Symantec or McAfee.Yes i did all these programms
remove over the last 2years, whit good result.

avast is like a always-retruning fever to me :-
once infected always infected :wink: ;D

I must admit that Avast is always a “fall back” for me. It runs well and is a good AV. When I am not sure what I want at the time, I always go to Avast.

I like to read cactusjack’s posts, because he either doesnt write in english very well or he is the funniest person alive. Somehow, I understand what he is saying, but I find it funny for some reason. I dont mean to offend him if he doesnt speak english very well, I’m just saying that I found the word choice for some of his expressions humorous (especially his use of Bingo!,lol). Anyone else find it funny, or am I just loosing it myself?

I literally laughed when I read “O.K. than False positive,but me computer spinning like a pussycat.” You are very funny cactus Jack.

I find Cactusjack’s English amazingly easy to understand, for the most part. Maybe this statement from another thread explains why:

I greatly admire those who speak, read, and/or write English as a second language. My own attempts to learn a second language have been comical at best. :-\

When you know the movie CactusJack (Slade) with Kirk Douglas,Arnold Zw,necker,
Ann Margr,etc, then you understand me nickname.(o boy i forget the hors Whisky)
This stuppid movie where almost my dead,i laugh me in coma for this roadrunner
movie,so me nickname wash easy.
But back to me story off AVAST FOR EVER,well i make langues faults, and
that can happend for a old guy like me. But it is strange,i can English talk and
every one understand me, but writing is something els. And the same story
if i speak whit Germans peaple. No problem,becourse CactusJack improvised,
and whit every one just good friends.
A week a go come i here on the Forum,and i think by me self ,go for it and see
what there come from. So this old rocker (yes i love rock) and i know all the facts
from Chuck Berry To the rocknumbers from now.They call me “shaking george”
So Boys and Girls i know me langues problem,but you have to do whit it.

Hi Cactusjack!
Your English is pretty understandable, & besides, All we here are a human, & as a human we are continuously make some mistakes, & allways learning something all the time .
The Most important thing here is that we understand You, & allways will try to help You in any advice to any possible problems on Avast!
Take Care 8)

Thank You Gender.
Avast4Home is the best Virusprogramm i know,and
this Forum have me accept (i think) maybe there is coming a nice time
whit Great Balls of Fire.(Jerry Lee Lewis)Yes a Joke on saturday morning